Infernal Restraints – Creep Love (Sierra Cirque)

“The horror and the grace”, she knows that line all too well. Poetically, it describes her predicament perfectly. The electrified prod strapped into her cunt is a case in point. Creep dressed her for the occasion with leather mittens pulled up between her shoulder blades and locked to the choke collar stretching her neck. Of course, she is adorned in the inevitable pantyhose. A tight corset limits her breathing and the pantyhose accentuate her long legs. Creep is living in a romantic horror. He is beguiled by the grace that is hidden in the character of this whore. The sexual substance of his schizoid world is to design ordeals that arouse terror in her.

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Infernal Restraints – Creep Charnel (Sierra Cirque)

The coyotes will have a feast; her valiva runs thick and copiously. I am beside myself with this whore. I readied her with a tight clam tie and placed her in the middle of the mattress. Implements of penetration surround the altar. It was time for the trail. Blindfolded and guided by the rope cleaving her cunt she is yanked up the hill. Every step is a fright and her soles are jabbed by stubble and shale. Arriving at the grotto I bind her to a tree. Her skull hole is stuffed with two shop rags and sealed with packing tape. For added measure her jaw is sealed shut with a wrap over the top of her head. Her screams will barely be audible over the caw of the crows.

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